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Covers from Pöppelmann

Some days ago, we had the joy of receiving again the support from Pöppelmann. The company from Niedersachsen will help us again this year with covers for the underfloor of our car.
In 66 years as of February 2015, Pöppelmann was able to grow from a small family company, to an enterprise with over 1650 workers. Pöppelmann managed to do this by working in a good relationship with their workers, long term collaboration with its customers and suppliers, constant improvement and sustainability.

Elbflorace e.V.

Institute for Automotive Engineering Dresden-IAD

George-Bähr-Str. 1b
01069 Dresden Germany

The “Elbflorace Formula Student Team TU Dresden e.V.” is based in Dresden and is registered under the number 4722 at the district court of Dresden.