FSG – Hockenheim: event diary
Hockenheim 2014
current status of scrutineering:
Day 1
Just 2 weeks after our first event of the season, we already set off to number 2, the formula student Germany in Hockenheim, on tuesday morning. Because the exams in dresden are in full swing, we just traveled with 9 of us. The rest will follow us the next days. The transport of our camping stuff, machines and of course JulE went very well with the truck from our sponsor FSD – big thanks for your support!
As we arrived in Hockenheim our friends from Freiberg already waited and hold a camping space next to them free for us – big thanks also to Racetech racing team from Freiberg! We all together started immediately with setting up our team camp. We had to hurry because we also had to set up our pits at 18 o’clock. The same time we did our team, driver and ESO registration. In the evening we joined the big opening ceremony with all teams. After that we got JulE ready for scruteneering the next day.
Day 2
Our wednesday morning started already at 06:30 in the rainy Hockenheim with the teambreakfast. After that we went to the pit immediately to get JulE fit for the scrutineering.
At midday we shot the big panoramic picture with all participating teams from all over the world on the racetrack. Then we went to the E-Scrutineering and waited their finger crossing untill the evening to get in, but unfortunately the row was just to long. Netherless we will try it again next morning.
In the evening we were invited by our sponsor SKF in the south bend of Hockenheimring to have a dinner together. There a delicious buffet waited for us in an unique backdrop with a fantastic view over the whole racetrack – big thanks to SKF for this great event!
Day 3
This morning we went directly from the breakfast back to the row for E-Scrutineering. After lunch we had our static disziplines to do. Therefor weh ad to leave the row for about two hours, to present JulE in Cost and Design in front of the judges. For the Cost Report we had to create a solution for the Real Case Scenario, were we could present our concept of an akkumulator fire clearing system very succesfull – a system which stops fire inside the akkumulator with special material to keep the rest of the car in this case safe. After that Stefan and Christoph presented our Business Plan and acchieved there place 23.
As we finished all 3 static disziplines we went back to the Scrutineering and got in finally. With crossed fingers our team waited in front of the area. After some hours of Scruti we had to go back into our pit to solve some problems, this will take us the rest of the evening. So we can go on to finish Scruti hopefully tomorrow morning. Crossing fingers again – we want to see JulE on track tomorrow!