Everything is cool with PTZ!
Excellent cooling is very important for fast cars. Therefore the requirements are very high. Components should withstand more than 120°C and a pressure of 1,5 bar. Of course the parts have to be light and serried. The aerodynamics of the components are adjusted to the the body and inside the parts, cooling liquid should flow easily. This season, the cooling coat of the engines and the fill- and venting nozzle are made with selective laser sintering. With this process, we were able to build more space-saving and with better flow properties. Simultaneously, this process is perfect to manufacture light parts accurately.
Because of the near distance, their huge experience with prototypes and knowledge about selective laser sintering, the Prototypenzentrum Dresden suited perfectly and we are happy that our cooperation worked so good. For the first time we were able to construct and manufacture parts that didn’t work so good in the past way better now.
The Prototypenzentrum Dresden mostly builds prototypes and small series. There, they work together with companies of the automotive industry as well as medicine- and device technology.