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Rollout EFR15ed03


Last Friday, our EFR15ed03 season rollout took place and our team presented its new race car – RosE.

RosE will accompany us to the big race tracks of Europe this year and hopefully write Elbflorace – history again.

It is already promising, as we were already able to organise a small show race at our rollout.

Many thanks to our sponsors, families and friends who made this evening unforgettable and supported our team emotionally, financially and with the production of components.

We would also like to thank our team, who put their knowledge, passion and time into creating such a beautiful car.

Missed the livestream?

Watch it again here.

Elbflorace e.V.

Institute for Automotive Engineering Dresden-IAD

George-Bähr-Str. 1b
01069 Dresden Germany

The “Elbflorace Formula Student Team TU Dresden e.V.” is based in Dresden and is registered under the number 4722 at the district court of Dresden.